The show has been created by the Directors of Hocus Pocus and The Magic Circus, the stars of Magique will delight and confound your senses. You won’t believe your eyes!
Join Wookey Hole for a brand new show from Magique, a magic and illusion performance suitable for all the family.
The show has been created by the Directors of Hocus Pocus and The Magic Circus, the stars of Magique will delight and confound your senses. You won’t believe your eyes!
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The show has been created by the Directors of Hocus Pocus and The Magic Circus, the stars of Magique will delight and confound your senses. You won’t believe your eyes!
Join Wookey Hole for a brand new show from Magique, a magic and illusion performance suitable for all the family.
The show has been created by the Directors of Hocus Pocus and The Magic Circus, the stars of Magique will delight and confound your senses. You won’t believe your eyes!